Öffnungszeiten: Mo – Fr 10:00 – 17:00 | Sa 10:00 – 12:30 | So geschlossen | Sonder-Öffnungszeiten
In English
We will take a look through the female lense. On the eve of the international womens day we host a panel discussion on female realities and their reactions to it around the world, focusing on three territories in particular: Iran, Afghanistan and the refugee camps of Europe.
In a time, when feminist and intersectional discussions try to push their way through to mainstream thinking on the European continent, it is important to look abroad as well as within. How do particular realities affect women? And which forms do their reactions take?
With a panel hosting 4 women facing different challenges around the world, we’ll empower a female perspective and see what can be learned from it not only in countries perceived to be far away, but rather on our very own doorstep. The evening is organized and hosted by Club Alpbach Südtirol Alto Adige in cooperation with OEW and Frauenmuseum.
Join us live at the Frauenmuseum or online!
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87470685518?pwd=U1NscGdrSkNUNXVLSTZ6K2FVaFlsUT09